Tuesday, June 4, 2013

30 Days Drawing Challenge Day 1: Myself

Yes, I've been neglecting my blogbaby here for awhile now, and it's time for me to pick it back up again.  I thought to start over, I better let peeps out there to get to know more about me so...kicking off this comeback (nobody cares about my comeback, right?) will be the 30 days drawing challenge!  

That's me, with and without glasses.  I hate my glasses and my sucky eyes, and I regret so much the way/ the position I sat when I was trying to hide the fact that I am reading kungfu novels when I was in forth grade.  I used to put the book on my lap, and lay my forehead on the edge of the table in something like a brace position, and read.  I have no clue as to why I was so self conscious then about reading those books.  I blame my short-sighted eyes on that period of my life.  Thanks, Jin Yong, your addictive books destroyed my eyesight.

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