Monday, February 3, 2014

40DD: stop being polite, start getting real

Stop being polite and start getting real.  This is Tim's quote from day 11.

Nice guys finish last, right?  It is always the case.  And it is easy to say, how we all got to stop being just nice, how we got to be ourselves.  It is difficult to do, however.  When I see someone I like, it is always difficult to let loose and be myself, because I will naturally tense up and be nervous.  I will wonder if what I am doing is intruding his personal space, if he likes me doing certain things, if he will judge me if I do something, or don't do something.  For people like me, who are extremely shy and quite thin-skinned, when we see someone we like, we tend to retreat and admire from afar, rather than going at them, declaring (or hinting) of feelings and of love.  We will be afraid that they will know that we want more because we will just be laughing stocks if they don't return the feelings.  It will be awkward, I always believed.

The thing is, how we are acting is making everything awkward.  It is us who is building this wall between ourselves and them potential lovers because we are acting differently when we're with them.  We express and communicate with them differently than we express and communicate with our other friends and peoples.  And we end up awkwardly interested and withdrawn at the same time (I have no idea how I manage to achieve that), and this only makes the situation more confusing and weird.

Wish me luck and bless me and my future romantic endeavors.

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