This is absolutely beautiful. A Finger, Two Dots Then Me is written and performed by spoken word poet, Derrick Brown, and directed by David and Daniel Holechek. In this piece, Brown wrote of love and his depictions of the afterlife. He, like poets do, gives romanticized images of love and afterlife, and achieves perfection. The way he wrote it, the prose, the imagery, the rhetoric; the way he read it, the voice, the rhythm, the rises and falls of tones and emotions all work miraculously and harmoniously together to form the core of this short film. His words are so powerful, they hooked me in right from the start. The visuals that the Holechek brothers filmed and edited enhanced the ocular experience of Brown's performance. The short jumps from multi-angled shots of Brown passionately reading, to the many different imageries that are present in the poem made the short a perfect harmony and composition words, sound and visuals. Perfection.
A Finger, Two Dots Then Me
Lying together in the park on Seventh,
our backs smoosh grass and I say
I will love you till I become a child again,
when feeding me and bathing me is no longer romantic,
but rather necessary.
I will love you till there is no till.
Till I die.
And when that electroencephalogram shuts down, darlin'
that’s when the real lovin’ kicks in.
Forgive me for sounding selfish
but I won’t be able to wait under the earth for you
I will not be able to wait for you…
but I will meet up with you
and here’s where you will find me:
get a pen–
Hold your finger up
(two fingers if your hands are frail by now)
and count two stars directly to the left
of the North American moon.
You will find me there.
You will find me darting behind amazing quasars
Behind bright flirtatious winks
of blasting boom stars!
Sometimes charging so far into space
the darkness goes blue.
I will be there chasing sound waves
riding them like two-dollar pony horses
that have finally broken from side carousels.
I will be facing backwards, lying sideways,
no hands, sidesaddle, sometimes standing
sometimes screaming zip zang zowie!
My God, it’s good to be back in space… Where is everybody?
You will recognize my voice.
You will see the flash of a fire trail
burning off the back of me
burning like a gasoline comet kerosene sapphire.
This is my voice.
Don’t look for my body or a ghost.
I’ll resemble more a pilot light than a man now.
I’m sure some will see
this cobalt star white light from earth
and cast me a wish like a wonder bomb.
And I’ll think “Hmmph. people still do that?”
I’m sure I’ll collect and take the light wonder bombs
to the point in the universe
where sound does end.
The back porch of God’s summer home.
It’s so quiet here, you float.
It feels the way cotton candy tastes.
I say to him, God… why do I call you God?
He says ‘Because Grand Poobah would sound ridiculous.’
And I say, Yes! I knew you have a sense of humor. I saw what you did to Phenix.
But God, so many poets have tried to tackle it, Ginsberg, Corso and they missed, what is holy? What is actually holy?’
At that moment,
the planets begin to spin and awaken
and large movie screens appear on Mars, Saturn and Venus
each bearing images I have witnessed throughout my life
and over each and every clip flashes the word holy.
magic tricks–holy
cows’ tongues–holy
snowballs upside the head–holy
clumsy first kisses–holy
sneaking into movies–holy
your mother teaching you to slow dance
the fear returning
the fear overcome–holy
eating top ramen on upside-down frisbees
cause it was either plates or more beer–holy
drunk beach cruiser nights–holy
the $5.00 you made in vegas
and the $450.00 you lost–holy
the last time you were nervous holding hands–holy
feeling God at a pool hall but not church–holy
sleeping during your uncle’s memorized dinner prayer–holy
losing your watch in the waves and all that signifies–holy
the day you got to really speak to your father cause the television broke–holy
the day your grandmother told you something meaningful
cause she was dying–holy
the medicine
the hope
the blood
the fear
the trust
the crush
the work
the loss
the love
the test
the birth
the end
the finale
the design
in the stars
is the same
in our hearts
the design
in the stars
is the same
in our hearts
in the rebuilt machinery of our hearts
So love, you will know exactly what to look for
and exactly where to go…
Take your time and don’t worry about getting lost.
You’ll find me.
Up there, a finger and two dots away.
If you’re wondering if I’ll still be able to hold you
…I don’t know
But I do know that I could still fall for
a swish of light that comes barreling
and cascading towards me.
It will resemble your sweet definite hands.
The universe will bend.
The planets will bow.
And I will say “Oh, there you are. Now we can go.”
And the two pilot lights go zoooooooom
into the black construction paper night
as somewhere else
two other lovers lie down on their backs, stare hard into the night sky and say
“What the hell was that?”
our backs smoosh grass and I say
I will love you till I become a child again,
when feeding me and bathing me is no longer romantic,
but rather necessary.
Till I die.
And when that electroencephalogram shuts down, darlin'
that’s when the real lovin’ kicks in.
but I won’t be able to wait under the earth for you
I will not be able to wait for you…
and here’s where you will find me:
get a pen–
(two fingers if your hands are frail by now)
and count two stars directly to the left
of the North American moon.
You will find me there.
You will find me darting behind amazing quasars
Behind bright flirtatious winks
of blasting boom stars!
the darkness goes blue.
I will be there chasing sound waves
riding them like two-dollar pony horses
that have finally broken from side carousels.
I will be facing backwards, lying sideways,
no hands, sidesaddle, sometimes standing
sometimes screaming zip zang zowie!
My God, it’s good to be back in space… Where is everybody?
You will see the flash of a fire trail
burning off the back of me
burning like a gasoline comet kerosene sapphire.
This is my voice.
Don’t look for my body or a ghost.
I’ll resemble more a pilot light than a man now.
this cobalt star white light from earth
and cast me a wish like a wonder bomb.
And I’ll think “Hmmph. people still do that?”
to the point in the universe
where sound does end.
The back porch of God’s summer home.
It feels the way cotton candy tastes.
He says ‘Because Grand Poobah would sound ridiculous.’
And I say, Yes! I knew you have a sense of humor. I saw what you did to Phenix.
the planets begin to spin and awaken
and large movie screens appear on Mars, Saturn and Venus
each bearing images I have witnessed throughout my life
and over each and every clip flashes the word holy.
magic tricks–holy
cows’ tongues–holy
snowballs upside the head–holy
clumsy first kisses–holy
sneaking into movies–holy
your mother teaching you to slow dance
the fear returning
the fear overcome–holy
eating top ramen on upside-down frisbees
cause it was either plates or more beer–holy
drunk beach cruiser nights–holy
the $5.00 you made in vegas
and the $450.00 you lost–holy
the last time you were nervous holding hands–holy
feeling God at a pool hall but not church–holy
sleeping during your uncle’s memorized dinner prayer–holy
losing your watch in the waves and all that signifies–holy
the day you got to really speak to your father cause the television broke–holy
the day your grandmother told you something meaningful
cause she was dying–holy
the medicine
the hope
the blood
the fear
the trust
the crush
the work
the loss
the love
the test
the birth
the end
the finale
the design
in the stars
is the same
in our hearts
the design
in the stars
is the same
in our hearts
in the rebuilt machinery of our hearts
and exactly where to go…
You’ll find me.
Up there, a finger and two dots away.
If you’re wondering if I’ll still be able to hold you
…I don’t know
a swish of light that comes barreling
and cascading towards me.
The universe will bend.
The planets will bow.
And I will say “Oh, there you are. Now we can go.”
into the black construction paper night
two other lovers lie down on their backs, stare hard into the night sky and say
“What the hell was that?”
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